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Why Register & Login?

Guest status or higher required

Before you can submit anything on MyDivision you will need to be logged in

  • Why register Registration permits you to login and when logged in allow you to gain access to many areas reserved for MyDivision members.

    Before you can register you must first accept our cookies.
    See Privacy Policy at the foot of the page for reason why.

  • How to register Click on Register (Right) and follow the guidelines under Important Infomation

  • Rare but Possible Problems
    1. Not received the 'Welcome to MyDivision' email - Three possible reasons
      1. The email you entered when registering was typed incorrectly, twice!
      Solution Re-register
      2. The automated email may have got caught in a SPAM filter system you have on your pc
      Solution Check spam folders
      3. The automated email may be caught in a SPAM filter system provided by your service provider
      Solution Read the FAQ below MyDivision emails not being received?

      If you are still unable to find the email we recommend you re-register with a different email address that you have access to or if you have no second email use the Contact Us section below.

    2. Can not Login
      1. The Welcome to MyDivision email contains a link that must be clicked in order to activate your account, you will not be able to login until your account is activated.
      2. Forgot your password or username, use the Forgot Login Details (at foot of page) and follow the onscreen instructions.
      3. Remember password and usernames are case sensitive. eg. John, john & JOHN all case different.
    If you still have a problem please use the Contact Us section below.

    Once you are logged in you can apply to be linked to your club.
    Once linked, your club can give you permissions (a status), most status's would enable you to enter results.
    see MD Status Levels in the right column (click on the plus)
    also see other FAQs for more information on what else is available to you.

    faq Id: 85