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Stratford & District Mixed Winter League
Stratford & District Mixed Winter League - Rules
Set: 30-07-2020

Teams and fixtures
* 1   Amended Sept 2017
All matches to comprise 2 mixed pairs, each pair playing both opposing pairs. A Home & Away fixture will be played by all teams.

Championship Tie Break
All matches to be the best of 3 sets, tiebreak at 6-6 in sets 1 & 2 (played to 7, clear by 2 points), the 3rd set should be played as a championship tiebreak (to 10 points winning by 2 points!!).

Confirmation of matches
Match date & time to be confirmed by the home captain at least 24 hours prior to match.

Balls and Floodlights
* 4   Amended Sept 2017
8 new balls (LTA approved) to be provided by the Home side. When floodlights are used, the cost should be split between both teams (if requested).

Score card
* 5   Amended Sept 2017
Match result to be recorded by the home team on to the official MyDivision scorecard and signed by the home/away captain. Within the nominated timeframe then entered on the MyDivision website as per instructions provided (previously was by sending the official score-sheet to the league organiser within 3 days of the match). That is no longer valid but please retain match-card until the end of the season.

* 6   Amended Sept 2017
Matches should only be re-arranged due to poor weather conditions. HOWEVER if it is obvious that the match cannot take place due to the exceptional unavailability of courts or players, please refer to your divisional organiser to confirm acceptable to re-arrange between the 2 clubs to a suitable time & date for both teams.

Payment of League Fees
* 7   Amended Sept 2017
A league fee, determined by the organiser, should be paid prior to the start of the season, payable by BACS rather than cash/cheque if possible.

Post match refreshments
* 8   Amended July 2020
RULE SUSPENDED DUE TO COVID. TEAMS to bring own refreshments if required. The Home team should provide appropriate post match refreshments. As most matches are played in the evening, teams are encouraged to provide `supper` (hot drinks, sandwiches, cake etc).

Eligibilty for players
* 9   Amended Amended Feb 2020
Teams may only field players who are fully paid up members of the club. For clubs fielding more than 1 team, you are CURRENTLY NOT required to nominate a minimum of 4 players to the higher team, where these players would then be tied to that team for the season. Other members of a lower team may play twice for a higher team before being tied to that team on the 3rd occasion. But once a lower team player has played three times for a higher team, that player would be tied to the higher team and may not drop back down to play in a lower team. Any team fielding players who are ineligible shall forfeit the match and any games, sets, or rubbers won by that player.

Rule subject to Change.

* 10   Amended Sept 2017
In the event of any dispute the league organiser`s decision is final.

Penalty for not fielding 1 or both pairs
* 11   FORMAL RULE this season
For the team who provides two pairs: 1) two walk-over points automatically awarded should one pair from the opposing team not turn up 2) four walk-over points should both pairs not turn up 3) An additional -1 or -2 points will be deducted against the team at fault (if either 1 or both pairs are not provided).

CONFIRMATION OF rule added, as per Mens Winter League.

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