Welcome GuestTennis Warwickshire
Warwickshire Ladies Veterans League
45 Fixtures
Last Updated: Division
Show All Alcester 2 Matches1Alcester 20000000000
Show All Claverdon Matches2Claverdon0000000000
Show All Four Oaks 3 Matches3Four Oaks 30000000000
Show All Henley in Arden Matches4Henley in Arden0000000000
Show All Kenilworth 3 Matches5Kenilworth 30000000000
Show All Little Aston Matches6Little Aston0000000000
Show All Solihull Arden 2 Matches7Solihull Arden 20000000000
Show All Solihull Tennis Matches8Solihull Tennis0000000000
Show All Sutton 2 Matches9Sutton 20000000000
Show All Weoley Hill Matches10Weoley Hill0000000000

Division 4 Players Table [?]
Division 4 Fixtures
DateMatch SetsGames
06.10.24 - Sun Claverdon - Little Aston
12.10.24 - Sat 14.00 Alcester 2 - Henley in Arden
13.10.24 - Sun Four Oaks 3 - Kenilworth 3
13.10.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis - Solihull Arden 2
13.10.24 - Sun 10.00 Weoley Hill - Sutton 2
26.10.24 - Sat Henley in Arden - Claverdon
26.10.24 - Sat Solihull Arden 2 - Alcester 2
26.10.24 - Sat Sutton 2 - Little Aston
27.10.24 - Sun 10.00 Kenilworth 3 - Solihull Tennis
27.10.24 - Sun 10.00 Weoley Hill - Four Oaks 3
09.11.24 - Sat 14.00 Alcester 2 - Kenilworth 3
10.11.24 - Sun Claverdon - Solihull Arden 2
10.11.24 - Sun Four Oaks 3 - Sutton 2
10.11.24 - Sun 10.30 Little Aston - Henley in Arden
10.11.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis - Weoley Hill
23.11.24 - Sat Solihull Arden 2 - Little Aston
23.11.24 - Sat Sutton 2 - Henley in Arden
24.11.24 - Sun Four Oaks 3 - Solihull Tennis
24.11.24 - Sun 10.00 Kenilworth 3 - Claverdon
24.11.24 - Sun 10.00 Weoley Hill - Alcester 2
07.12.24 - Sat 14.00 Alcester 2 - Four Oaks 3
07.12.24 - Sat Henley in Arden - Solihull Arden 2
08.12.24 - Sun Claverdon - Weoley Hill
08.12.24 - Sun 10.30 Little Aston - Kenilworth 3
08.12.24 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis - Sutton 2
18.01.25 - Sat Sutton 2 - Solihull Arden 2
19.01.25 - Sun Four Oaks 3 - Claverdon
19.01.25 - Sun 10.00 Kenilworth 3 - Henley in Arden
19.01.25 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis - Alcester 2
19.01.25 - Sun 10.00 Weoley Hill - Little Aston
01.02.25 - Sat 14.00 Alcester 2 - Sutton 2
01.02.25 - Sat Henley in Arden - Weoley Hill
01.02.25 - Sat Solihull Arden 2 - Kenilworth 3
02.02.25 - Sun Claverdon - Solihull Tennis
02.02.25 - Sun 10.30 Little Aston - Four Oaks 3
15.02.25 - Sat 14.00 Alcester 2 - Claverdon
15.02.25 - Sat Sutton 2 - Kenilworth 3
16.02.25 - Sun Four Oaks 3 - Henley in Arden
16.02.25 - Sun 10.00 Solihull Tennis - Little Aston
16.02.25 - Sun 10.00 Weoley Hill - Solihull Arden 2
01.03.25 - Sat Henley in Arden - Solihull Tennis
01.03.25 - Sat Solihull Arden 2 - Four Oaks 3
02.03.25 - Sun Claverdon - Sutton 2
02.03.25 - Sun 10.00 Kenilworth 3 - Weoley Hill
02.03.25 - Sun 10.30 Little Aston - Alcester 2
Start times 13.00 unless otherwise stated
League visits: 1625
Division 4 visits: 251
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Divisional Secretary
Melanie Jennings

Team Contacts

Alcester 2
Victoria Rouse

Mary Jack

Four Oaks 3
Alyson Weaver

Henley in Arden
Rebecca Rodgers

Kenilworth 3
Louise Best

Little Aston
Yvonne Scrivener

Solihull Arden 2
Joanna Tildesley

Solihull Tennis
Carla Jones

Sutton 2
Ann Clewes

Weoley Hill
Jane Fry

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